I. Introduction: Do you work energetically at your job? Do others see you as diligent, reliable, and faithful? Do you live out the life of Christ where you work and in how you live? If you don't, you may be committing the sin of slothfulness.
B. Terminology: The King James Bible uses "slothful." The New American Standard typically uses "sluggard." The Hebrew word can also be translated as "lazy" or "showing a lack of diligence."
II. The Characteristics of Slothfulness.
A slothful person:
Procrastinates (Proverbs 20:4). Example: He postpones going to church or getting saved.
Makes excuses (Proverbs 22:13). Example: "The traffic is too fast." Or, "The traffic jam is too long; I can't get into work on time."
Wastes his or her time and talents (Proverbs 6:9-11). God wants us to use our resources for Him.
Is neglectful and careless (Proverbs 24:30-34). He doesn't care for his home, his yard, or his appearance.
Expects others to do for him what he should do for himself (Proverbs 19:24).
Has a distorted view of reality (Proverbs 26:16). He thinks he is fine when he is not.
III. The Creator's View of Slothful People.
They are rebellious. We were saved by grace to do good works (Eph. 2:8-10), but slothful people waste their abilities, skills and talents. They damage their testimony too.
They waste their spiritual gifts (1 Peter 4:10). Example: a woman who prepares a bowl of fruit every Sunday for Dr. Stanley and the staff
They don't work as unto the Lord (Col. 3:23-24). If every believer would work as if Jesus were their boss, we would see the economy changed. With each task of our day, we should ask ourselves, "How would Jesus handle this?"
They misrepresent the Christian life (Eph. 4:1-3).
IV. The Consequences of Slothfulness
Problems – Examples: on your job, in your relationships
Pressure – If you fail on your job, that may bring financial pressure, or a demotion.
Pain – Examples: painful relationships, loss of a job
Poverty, both material and spiritual – Someone who is doing as little as he or she can is not filled with the Holy Spirit.
V. The Cure for Slothfulness
Confess to God that you have been slothful; acknowledge that it's a sin.
Repent of it. Purpose to change your mind, heart and conduct.
Pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to enable you to choose daily to avoid slothfulness. Begin each day on your knees, asking God to guide and strengthen you.
VI. Closing: When you decide to do your best, you'll feel fantastic. You'll be a testimony to the Christian life. But it's a matter of choice. Be wise enough to follow God and see what awesome work He'll do in your life.
Note: This second sermon in the "Landmines" series corresponds with chapter 11 in "Landmines in the Path of the Believer," Dr. Stanley's new book.
We are instructed in God's Word to be a good steward over our things.