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The next time something or someone threatens to steal your peace, don’t give in.  Instead, release God’s power by holding onto your inheritance & trusting that He will take care of the situation for you. 


As believers, we are seated “in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”  (Eph. 2:6). The word seated refers to rest, & the words rest & peace are equivalent 2 one another.

Being a peacemaker is a decision.  Sometimes we need space from relationships that are full of strife in order to sort things out and find peaceful ground.   

Philippians 4:7 (AMP)
7 And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.


Garrison =-a military or fortified post


Anytime you give in to any of these, we open the door to strife and usher in destruction. 



Þ Pride (defensiveness)

Þ Bitterness

Þ Hatred

Þ Judgment & Criticism

Þ Deception & Lies

Þ Anger

Þ Unrest

Þ Fear & Negativity.



Þ Keep your tongue from evil

Þ Turn away from wickedness

Þ Do right

Þ Search for peace and follow it.


Loving Hearts are  gardens,

Loving thoughts are roots,

Loving words are flowers

And good works are their fruits.



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Having conflicts?  Here are a few tell tale signs that you need to look for.  Ask yourself...

Þ Why is my life so difficult?

Þ When I’m right you are wrong…

Þ God, I don’t see your power & blessings in my life.

Þ I feel sick –AGAIN?



All those in strife against you, those who come at you with a spirit of contention & war, shall end up as nothing. So HOLD YOUR PEACE.  As you hold your peace, I can work because it shows that you are trusting me. Remember to Halt- for more information:  Click Here




I am doing a new thing in you during these trying times, I am turning you into a new, sharp, threshing machine that will mow down the enemy.  Your reward will be glory & joy.


God’s plan is to work in our lives to bring us to the place where we can keep ourselves at rest during times of adversity,






Strife KILLS!  It kills the anointing, blessings, prosperity, peace and JOY!


Our Relationship Garden

Our life is a garden, the relationships we have with people are like beautiful flowers growing there. Offenses are weed seeds that grow into gigantic bitter plants called un-forgiveness.    Failure to forgive and let go of offenses and hurts allows the weed seeds to germinate in our garden.  When we re-visit offenses and past hurts in thought, word or deed we cultivate the weeds and allow them to grow.  Eventually they become large and spread throughout our garden, crowding out all of the flowers (relationships) planted there.   Being offended isn't worth it!  We are the gardener we have the power to make the decision to toss the seeds of offense or plant them.  We get reap the harvest of our choice over which seeds we will sow.     


Make Peace the Umpire in your Life...Warfare is done at rest. 


Habit-When you receive unfair criticism, don’t strike back (remember HALT).  Take the time to consider the truth behind the criticism, and be willing to learn from the situation. 


The Devil can’t handle believers who know how to “hold their peace”

For help with this
Click HERE


Anger tends to prolong and
reinforce the problem rather
than purge it.  It escalates the things
rather than solve things.
It is easy to react to life’s
annoyances & disappointments
with anger but much better to
react with understanding & empathy!



Þ Trust God, NOT SELF

Þ Make Friends with yourself.

Þ Make Forgiveness a Lifestyle.

Þ Disagree Agreeably & Magnify the Positive.

Þ Accept your kids 4 who they are.



Anger tends to prolong and reinforce the problem rather than purge it.  It escalates the things rather than solve things. It is easy to react to life’s annoyances & disappointments with anger but much better to react with understanding & empathy


More damage is done by the spirit of offense than by any other spirit.


Þ Live in Harmony and Unity with other Believers.

Þ Revise Your Strategy for Spiritual Warfare.

Þ Press Forward into Change-Don’t fight It.

Þ Protect the Anointing.

     (Live in peace and harmony)

Þ Reclaim Your Inheritance.-(Ask God 2 Show you the root of the problem, be willing to pay the price for peace.




Þ No peace=No power.


The real secret to spiritual warfare is—obedience, peace, love.

Be Subject to God, Enter rest, seek peace, Walk in love.

Staying out of strife is a continuing process in every relationship.




The DEVIL’s Strategies



Get insecure people to turn minor offenses into major ones.   The devil is a supreme strategist, & he works hard to get believers upset with each other because he knows that the Holy Spirit will only work in an atmosphere of peace.


Demolish Young Ministries before they can demolish Him


by John Bevere

There is a deceptive, deadly trap that imprisons countless Christians, severs relationships and widens breaches between us. It is the snare of offense, and many believers are unable to function in their calling because of these wounds and hurts they have received. They are handicapped and hindered from fulfilling their God-given potential. Jesus made it very clear that it is impossible to live in this world and not have the opportunity to become offended (see Luke 17:1). If you breathe air and walk this earth, you will have a chance to become offended—guaranteed. Therefore, it is important for us to be prepared and armed, for our response to offense determines our future.

The Greek word for offend in Luke 17:1 comes from the word skandalon. This word originally referred to the part of a trap to which the bait was attached. In the New Testament it often describes an entrapment by the enemy. A trap needs one of two things in order to be successful. Either it must be hidden, in the hope that an animal will stumble upon it, or it must be baited to lure the animal into the trap’s deadly jaws. Satan incorporates both of these strategies as he lays out his traps. They’re hidden and baited. If we’re not trained by the Word of God to rightly divide between good and evil, we won’t recognize his traps for what they are.

The enemy uses offense to bring people into captivity. Paul says, And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition…so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will (2 Timothy 2:24-26 NKJV). Wow! Those in quarrels or opposition fall into a trap and are held prisoner to do the devil’s bidding. They are unaware of their captivity and don’t realize their hearts are spewing out bitter waters rather than pure. When people are deceived, they believe they are right even though they aren’t.

The truth of offense is this: Those you care about the most can offend or hurt you the most. You expect more of those you care about, and the higher the expectations, the greater the opportunity to be offended and fall into the devil’s trap. In Psalm 55:12-14 David laments, For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; then I could bear it. …But it was you, a man my equal, my companion, and my acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked to the house of God in the throng (NKJV). Most often it is a fellow believer who has hurt you, and this causes the offense to go deeper; it feels like a betrayal.

When Jesus spoke of our day, He warned us to take heed that we are not deceived (see Matthew 24:4). He then went on to say, “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another,” (Matthew 24:10 NKJV). This shows us a progression: an offended person will eventually betray the person who offended them, and if the betrayal is not dealt with, it will ultimately lead to hatred.

Why do the offended eventually betray? Because according to Proverbs 18:19 an offended person is harder to win than a strong city. Strong cities in the days of Solomon had walls around them for protection. Likewise, an offended person builds walls—not physical walls, but walls in the soul. The New Testament calls these walls strongholds (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-5). These strongholds are thought processes that are developed deep within the soul that are contrary to the Word of God. God’s Word is rooted in His very character, which is love. Love is an outflow that always seeks to give. An offendedbeliever seeks protection; they’ve been hurt and don’t want to experience it again. Their focus is protection rather than release.

Thoughts of self-protection ultimately lead to betrayal. A betrayal is when we seek to protect or benefit ourselves at the expense of those with whom we have a relationship. If our focus turns within, when pressure comes we’ll seek our own selfish interest and betray if necessary. This behavior  will eventually lead to hatred, and if hatred is allowed to  thrive, it alienates its victim from eternal life (see 1 John 3:15).

The other plague that results from offense is the sin of lawlessness, which, simply put, is disobedience to authority. A person who has been offended by an authority figure will shy away from authority to avoid being hurt again. This is the reason Jesus says that in our day lawlessness will abound, and as a result the love of God in the hearts of believers will grow cold; but he who endures to the end will be saved (see Matthew 24:12,13).

After ministering in thousands of churches, I have had the opportunity to see the direct correlation between lawlessness and offense. One of three things happens when a person is offended by someone in authority. First, they’ll avoid all forms of authority. This often comes in the form of leaving churches, marriages or places of employment in order to escape the chance of being hurt again. Second, they become spiritual vagabonds or wanderers. They will stay as long as those in authority behave exactly as they desire, but if they don't, they  run again to the next relationship or organization. The third behavior of those who will not let go of an offense is that they become spiritual zombies. They may stay in the place where the hurt occurred, but they never reach their potential because they refuse to forgive and release the person who hurt them. This is tragic because life holds so little joy for them, and others miss the blessing that their lives were intended to bring.

Offense is a serious issue, and many are held in its death grip. But the love of God is the key to freedom from this trap. This is an abounding love that is developed over time and continually grows stronger in our hearts. This love will keep us from stumbling and enable us to lay down our lives selflessly—even for the good of an enemy. When we walk in this kind of love, we cannot be seduced into taking the bait of Satan

John Bevere is an international bestselling author, conference speaker, and cofounder of Messenger International with his wife, also bestselling author, Lisa Bevere. His desire is to equip people with truth so they can fulfill their God-given potential.

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